
Giovanna Zanolini

Notaio Giovanna Zanolini










She was born in Trento the December 4, 1966. She attended the high school at Liceo  "G.  Meadows" of Trento. In 1990, she graduated in law from the University of Trento with a score of 110/110. She attended the School of Notary Public "Anselmo Anselmi" at the Notarial Council of Rome in the period 1992/1993 has the qualifying exam of the functions of registrar of Land Registry in 1992. She has become lawyer, by taking the exams in the Court of Appeal of Trento, in the 1993/94 session. Since 1996 there she has held the employee role of the Autonomous Region of Trentino-Alto Adige as a professional registrar of the Land Registry at the Tavolare Tione Office. In 1998 she won the competition for Notary, launched by the ministerial decree dated 29 March 1996, and was appointed notary to the residence of Strigno with ministerial decree dated 30 July 1999. She has published legal studies and has lectured in activities for the Region and the Trentino School of Management. She has carried out notarial duties in Strigno and in Borgo Valsugana. Since April 2002 she has been a Notary in Trento. 

Email: gzanolini@notariato.it